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AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport)
The Imperial Walker, or AT-AT, is a
giant troop carrier on legs, a sort of futuristic Trojan horse.
It was the centerpiece of a memorable battle scene in The Empire
Strikes Back (Star Wars Episode V). As such, it should need no further
introduction from me.
LEGO bricks are among the coolest toys
on Earth. Little plastic bricks that lock firmly together with little
pegs, available in a wide variety of shapes. Building recognizable
models with them is a bit like doing origami or tangrams, especially
when you restrict yourself to a small number of pieces.
Official LEGO AT-ATs
There are two official LEGO models of
the AT-AT. One
has over 1000 parts. It looks great. The other
uses only 98 pieces. I recently got one of the
little ones. It looks better in person than on the box, but it doesn't
really look right.
Unofficial LEGO AT-ATs
There are also quite a few unofficial
models by various people, at various scales. Some of them are amazingly
accurate; many of them are also very big. For example, check out the
one on this
page, or this one.
On the other hand, some are very small, like these.
I wanted to create a model that was
almost as small as the official
mini-model, but big enough to have the right proportions and a bit more
I liked certain elements of the official
mini head, so I started by rebuilding that, keeping the details I liked
but adjusting the overall shape and size.
Then I noticed that the redesigned head
almost at the same scale as a good side-view photograph I was using for
reference. Thus I could hold up parts in front of the photograph to
check sizes. This made the rest of the model pretty easy to design. I
was happy to discover that I had found a fairly "natural" scale: the
simple, plentiful parts I wanted to use for various details each turned
out to be the right size. I was even happier to discover that the model
was approximately in scale with my favorite official mini models, the AT-ST and Snowspeeder
(I had hoped it would be, but didn't specifically plan for that
while building it.)

I'm very happy with this model. The legs
have a slight tendency to fall off, but otherwise it's pretty sturdy.
It can
stand up; if two diagonally opposed legs are vertical, the other two
can be posed. The head is extremely posable.
(Much better than the official mini model, whose head only tilts
Before building this model, I hadn't
seen any others in a similar scale. But, as usual, by the time I had
this text written, I'd found another page
showing a
model at a very similar scale indeed. (Its creator, David Eaton, has
also posted a number of excellent reference
images of the "real" AT-AT, for comparison.) Dave's model is better
mine - the main body is more accurately sloped and detailed, the neck
is thick enough, and look at those great ankles! But my model's knees
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