|  The Fine Print the Martian Embassy Website policiesHi. My name is Dan Efran. This website, The Martian Embassy, is my personal home page - it's mostly my own art, and some links to other cool stuff. Not much to it, so not much fine print, but there's a bit:
All contents of pages with URLs starting "efran.org/embassy/" are Copyright ©1999-2007 by Dan Efran, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
| I have no interest in spying on you. I don't collect any information about you on this site, with two exceptions: (1) I examine web traffic and site usage data, in order to improve the site. I make no effort to match these data with specific people. (2) I keep customer data sufficient to do business, for customers only. In general, payment information is handled for me by third parties (such as PayPal) and I never see it; whereas your contact information is how I make sure you are satisfied! I don't share or sell your contact information to third parties, or use it except in the normal course of your business with me.
| I also have no interest in spamming you. Any email or other direct communication will be strictly opt-in. (Currently there is none.)
| Links to other domains than efran.org are to someone else's pages, not covered by these terms. Furthermore, this site may occasionally include advertisements, affiliate links, and the like, which may be subject to different terms, and might even use cookies (the Martian Embassy does not) or attempt to track you more closely.
| That's about it, I think. Have a great day! |