This is simply a list of updates to the Martian Embassy site. If you haven't been here in a while, check this page to see what's new.
6 November 2011: Completely reworked LEGO OGRE/GEV designs again. Latest version is called LEGO GEV: Combine 2011.
6 June 2011: Home page for The Sand Boxes, my Flash puzzle/adventure game.
26 May 2011: Dawn Scarab merchandise is now available. Updated drawings page and shop index to say so.
21 January 2011: Completely reworked LEGO OGRE designs. New version is called LEGO G.E.V.
1 January 2011: Added a digital illustration to drawings.
29 October 2010: Added another digital sketch to drawings.
12 August 2008: Added my latest digital painting to drawings.
21 May 2008: Added a gallery page for digital art, starting with a TARDIS I sculpted in SecondLife.
17 January 2008: Added a source code link to the Conway's Game of Life page.
17 January 2008: Added a source code link to the GearToy page.
9 January 2008: Added two dragon sketches to the drawings page.
13 July 2007: Added a new digital painting to the drawings page.
30 June 2007: Added a gallery page for my sculptures, starting with an alien flower and a kitbashed spaceship. 21 June 2007: Added a page for Conway's Game of Life, a Flash implementation of a classic math experiment. 25 April 2007: Updated GearToy to version 1.1, making it more obvious that the + buttons work more than once. 16 April 2007: Added links to Amazon detail pages from books - primarily to provide a link to a picture of the Codex Seraphinianus . 11 April 2007: Added a page of fine print: privacy policy, and so forth. 28 March 2007: Added a link to The Earthling's Handbook from the site map. Added donation buttons, powered by PayPal, to some pages. Tips are always optional, but will encourage me to post more cool stuff! 29 December 2006: Added a page for CrackeD ICE, an Icehouse game I co-designed a few years ago. It's been available on the other authors' Web sites since then, but not here, for no real reason. So here it is. 28 December 2006: Added a page for Who is Double Cat?, my first Flash animation, and one for GearToy, my first Flash program. 8 December 2006: Fixed a few minor HTML bugs that crept in somehow. By the way, I am no longer working for Zaxel; that's worth noting here given the several references to them below. For good measure, my resume is back online. Hire me! 1 September 2006: Added reference image of a sketch's source to online art portfolio page 3. 24 October 2003: Added LEGO OGRE page. Added XIcehouse page. 24 October 2003: Moved site to update your bookmarks! Various minor fixes and updates throughout site. Removed resume, as I am still happily employed at Zaxel Systems, Inc. 1 February 2001: Updated resume. (Currently, I am happily employed at Zaxel Systems,Inc..) 22 August 2000: Added online art portfolio, page 3.Updated pages 1 and 2. 4 August 2000: Added online art portfolio, page 2. 21 July 2000: Updated online resume, added online art portfolio,page 1. 14 March 2000: Changed linkcolors to more closely match naviglyph symbolism. 11 March 2000: New art for"enter" button on welcome page. 10 February 2000: AddedJavascript rollovers to Naviglyph 8 November 1999: Launch ofsite. Contents so far, alphabetical by filename: